SOURCE OF SUPPLY is committed to the highest standards of ethical business conduct and to the practice of business in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.We require that all our suppliers commit to achieving the standards outlined in this code of conduct as a part of doing business with customers. These standards are based on ILO Core Conventions where the provisions of national or other applicable law and this Base Code address the same subject, the provision which affords the greater protection applies.
Legal Requirements
As a general rule all vendors and manufacturers must follow their national laws. However, if any contradiction is found between the supplier’s national laws and this Code of Conduct the supplier must inform the respective Regional Office immediately after receiving this document.
As a general rule, when national regulation or other applicable laws addresses the same issue as this Code, the most stringent should be applied.
Social Accountability Requirements
Child Labour
The vendor shall not recruit child labour. We ensure no child recruitment.
Forced Labour
Vendor must ensure there is no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour. Ensure workers are not required to lodge deposits or identity papers with their employer and are free to leave with reasonable notice without penalty.
Health & Safety
The vendor shall:
Provide a safe and hygienic working environment (and where appropriate living environment).
Take steps to minimise hazards and prevent injury/accidents.
Conduct regular health and safety training for existing and new workers.
Provide free access to clean toilet facilities and potable water.
Assign a senior member of management responsible for health and safety on site and accommodation is appropriate.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
The vendor shall recognize and respect the right of employees to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. In countries where freedom of association and collective bargaining is legally restricted, the vendor shall facilitate and not restrict the development of parallel means.
No discrimination shall be practiced in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
Harsh Treatment
Any form of verbal, physical or sexual abuse or other harassment or intimidation shall be prohibited.
Hours of Work
Vendors and Factories shall comply with applicable laws and industry standards with respect to working hours and must allow its employees at least one day off during each seven-day period.
All workers should receive wages as per the national legal standards or industry benchmark standards,(whichever is higher) for a standard working week. Deductions if any should be administered in accordance with the local law and records should be kept for each worker.
Regular Employment
Vendor should endeavour to ensure that all work performed is on the basis of a legally recognised employment relationship. No obligations (e.g. social security) shall be avoided through the use of labour-only contracting, sub-contracting, fixed-term contracts or home-working arrangements, or through apprenticeship schemes without any real intention to impart skills or provide regular employment, nor shall any such obligations be avoided through the excessive use of fixed-term contracts of employment.
Management Systems
In order to implement these standards, the vendor is responsible to ensure that a suitable management system and associated policies are in place. This is applicable to the vendor’s factories and those of suppliers and sub-contractors.
Monitoring and Enforcement
Principles: Trust and Cooperation
SOURCE OF SUPPLY expects and encourages all and every of its suppliers to respect these social standards. Suppliers should do their upmost to work towards their complete implementation.
SOURCE OF SUPPLY reserves the right to conduct second party audits held by their own auditing team as well as third party audits, to monitor and ensure the proper compliance with this Code of Conduct.
Non Compliance
SOURCE OF SUPPLY has the right to consider the termination of the business relationship in cases of gross or repeated violations, failing to comply with these ethical standards or if the vendor does not take appropriate corrective measures in due time.